Our speakers electrify rooms with a "Yes! And . . ." attitude.
Our comedy-infused keynotes are highly energetic, extremely engaging, and very memorable.
Your company has invested thousands acquiring talent with top skills and diverse experience. Now, how do you empower them to "have each other's backs" and tap into each other's talents? If your team members aren't thriving as collaborators, our speakers can help them with improv's "Yes! And..." principle.
Using improv methods to connect real work issues and team goals, our speakers mix talent and team development in a highly engaging and memorable way. With a lot of laughter, we'll transform your team culture with immediately actionable tools that keep people engaged, inspired, and empowered for lasting change and growth. You'll get 10x team effectiveness with 100x fun and engagement.
Featured Speaker
Amy Lisewski

Founder, CEO, & Co-Artistic Director
Featured Presentations
No More Teams!
Why do we avoid collaborating? Isn't it just easier to do it ourselves? What is the cost of not tapping into the collective potential of the team? Lessons from the world of improv help you transition from a group of solo acts to a highly-collaborative ensemble.
Hold On While I Overthink This
Analysis paralysis keeping you from making important decisions and holding you back from achieving your goals? Deciding with speed and conviction in the face of ambiguity is one of the top skills that the best leaders have (Harvard Business Review). Learn how to "create now and evaluate later" to keep making forward progress.
Fight, Flight, or... That's Funny!
How to transform from conflict to collaboration and have fun doing it. Our defenses are up and ready to prove our way is the only way. We can't both win, or can we? Improv shows us how to "laugh it out" and use the "Yes! And..." principle to approach difficult subjects and have meaningful conversations that produce results.
Speak Up!
Your inner critic is screaming at you, "that's been done", "that's not good enough", "I might be wrong" and if we listen too much to this inner voice we miss out on opportunities to shine. This presentation is specifically for professional women working in science and technology to help them speak up sooner and more confidently in groups and in front of crowds so they can get ahead in their careers like they deserve.
Amy's Speaker One Sheet

Amy Lisewski is an interactive speaker and facilitator, engaging teams and leaders to have more fun and be more effective. She is an entrepreneur, author, and consultant with over 25 years of experience in business and arts.
An ‘introverted extrovert’, Amy holds a Masters in Library and Information Science and helped biotech and high tech companies improve their internal communications for over 15 years before founding Finest City Improv. A graduate of the Second City Conservatory program, Amy created the Improv for Business program at Finest City and has facilitated hundreds of workshops across the US. She is an alumnus of Teach For America, a Vistage Speaker, and an experienced event host. She performs improv and sketch regularly on stage at FCI in San Diego.
Book A Keynote
Call us at (619) 306-6047 or contact us to learn more about our speakers.
Our keynotes are for organizations that value a culture of idea-sharing, communication and trust. Our on-your-feet presentations and trainings are purposefully a little out of everyone's comfort zones to spark engagement and learning. We will have your entire team participating and talking about it afterwards.
Ideal for
- Companies that dread the thought of another 3-hour PowerPoint presentation
- Teams that want to be challenged and engaged
- Leaders that need to see meaningful changes in the mindsets and actions of their team members.
- Human resources executives that want to ensure they are getting the best return on their training dollars investment
- Businesses that know that collaboration and risk-taking is essential to innovation
- Retreat organizers that want a unique way to set the tone for their event and enable everyone to fully participate